Post by Tom Pickering
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Simple 3 Step Guide to Clearing a House, from Clearance and Clean Up House Clearance Sheffield

house clearance sheffieldClearing a house for a move, after bereavement or following the relocation of a tenant can be a stressful and time consuming job. As experts in house clearance Sheffield, Doncaster, Rotherham and Barnsley, Clearance and Clean Up have put together a comprehensive list of things you can do that will make the process that much easier!


Depending on the volume of items that need to be organised and removed, it’s really important to allow enough time to do the job and ensure that you are not rushed in the process. Making a list of the rooms that need to be tackled can help, that way you will have a clear idea of what needs to be done and it will be far easier to allocate a timeframe to each section.

Valuables vs. Items to be Cleared

The next step is to go through the items that you want to keep, for example anything that is worth money or has sentimental value. You may be able sell some of your unwanted possessions or furniture on Ebay, Gumtree or Craigslist too.

Now you need to decide what you want to do with the items that are simply rubbish or that could possibly be recycled. There are several options available here depending on your budget and time constraints.  If you have a large vehicle, and plenty of time and energy, you may be able to take it to the local tip. There are disposal rates for some items however, so it’s best to look into these before you make a decision. Skips are an option, although some estimation will be required on your part in order to decide on the size of the skip that you will need.

Hiring a house clearance Sheffield company to clear the property is another option. They will be able to clear, load, and dispose of everything that you want to get rid of, and usually for a cost that will work out cheaper than a skip, and less hassle. House clearance Sheffield companies often charge by volume cleared and will also make the effort to recycle and donate where at all possible.

Take Care of Confidential Documents and Paperwork

If your house clearance Sheffield is after the death of a loved one, you need to make sure that any confidential documents are taken care of. If you’re not sure whether you need to keep certain documents then it is best to check with your solicitor. For those that are not needed, they should be disposed of in a responsible way, ideally shredded.

If it is you that is moving, you still need to make a conscious effort to take care of your confidential documents in much the same way. Bank statements, credit card receipts and health records should be filed and taken with you to your next property for safekeeping. Any that you no longer require should be disposed of, again shredding is ideal. It can be tempting to just throw them away in the stress of a move, but identity theft is on the rise and has become a growing problem in the UK, therefore precautions do need to be taken to ensure that you are not a victim of this.

If you are looking for house clearance Sheffield, Rotherham, Doncaster or Barnsley, Clearance and Clean Up can help. We provide a reliable and efficient service, making us the perfect alternative to skip hire. Contact us on 0800 410 1086 or 0114 403 1021, or email us on

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Tom Pickering

Tom Pickering

Tom Pickering is the Managing Director of Clearance and Clean Up. Tom has created a highly motivated and well trained team that can deal with multiple tasks in many different environments. Connect with Tom on LinkedIn >>
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